Tag Archive | Rob Herring

Two Tight(heads): Munster: 29 – Ulster: 24

Two Tight(heads): Munster: 29 – Ulster: 24

Last season Munster had to go on the road to Glasgow, Dublin and Cape Town to secure their first silverware since 2011. This season an excellent run of games in 2024 made up for the rocky start to the season as the injury profile improved. With selection headaches to consider and especially opting for an […]

Stand-out Performance from Stand-in Captain: Munster: 18 – Ulster 13

Stand-out Performance from Stand-in Captain: Munster: 18 – Ulster 13

A man of the match performance by birthday boy Tadhg Beirne laid the foundation as he led Munster to a hard fought victory, ably supported by his team mates after an early red card sent Simon Zebo to the dugout. Peter had given the pre-match Captain’s interview to RTE but shortly afterwards the camera showed […]

Conway sets Thomond alight again! Munster: 22 – Ulster 16

Conway sets Thomond alight again! Munster: 22 – Ulster 16

A scorching run from halfway, Andrew Conway’s try was the highlight of the cold, damp November evening. Reminiscent of his solo effort against Toulon it was great to see him continue his excellent form from Japan in front of an appreciative home audience. I was stunned to read in the ThreeRedKings match report that Andrew […]